001package algs62; // section 6.2
002import stdlib.*;
003/* ***********************************************************************
004 *  Compilation:  javac BTree.java
005 *  Execution:    java BTree
006 *
007 *  B-tree.
008 *
009 *  Limitations
010 *  -----------
011 *   -  Assumes M is even and M >= 4
012 *   -  should b be an array of children or list (it would help with
013 *      casting to make it a list)
014 *
015 *************************************************************************/
018public class XBTreeWithCasts<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V>  {
019        private static final int M = 4;    // max children per B-tree node = M-1
021        private Node root;             // root of the B-tree
022        private int HT;                // height of the B-tree
023        private int N;                 // number of key-value pairs in the B-tree
025        // helper B-tree node data type
026        private static final class Node {
027                public int m;                             // number of children
028                public final Entry[] children = new Entry[M];   // the array of children
029                public Node(int k) { m = k; }             // create a node with k children
030        }
032        // internal nodes: only use key and next
033        // external nodes: only use key and value
034        private static class Entry {
035                Comparable key;
036                Object value;
037                Node next;     // helper field to iterate over array entries
038                public Entry(Comparable key, Object value, Node next) {
039                        this.key   = key;
040                        this.value = value;
041                        this.next  = next;
042                }
043        }
045        // constructor
046        public XBTreeWithCasts() { root = new Node(0); }
048        // return number of key-value pairs in the B-tree
049        public int size() { return N; }
051        // return height of B-tree
052        public int height() { return HT; }
055        // search for given key, return associated value; return null if no such key
056        public V get(K key) { return search(root, key, HT); }
057        private V search(Node x, K key, int ht) {
058                Entry[] children = x.children;
060                // external node
061                if (ht == 0) {
062                        for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
063                                if (eq(key, children[j].key)) return (V) children[j].value;
064                        }
065                }
067                // internal node
068                else {
069                        for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
070                                if (j+1 == x.m || less(key, children[j+1].key))
071                                        return search(children[j].next, key, ht-1);
072                        }
073                }
074                return null;
075        }
078        // insert key-value pair
079        // add code to check for duplicate keys
080        public void put(K key, V value) {
081                Node u = insert(root, key, value, HT);
082                N++;
083                if (u == null) return;
085                // need to split root
086                Node t = new Node(2);
087                t.children[0] = new Entry(root.children[0].key, null, root);
088                t.children[1] = new Entry(u.children[0].key, null, u);
089                root = t;
090                HT++;
091        }
094        private Node insert(Node h, K key, V value, int ht) {
095                int j;
096                Entry t = new Entry(key, value, null);
098                // external node
099                if (ht == 0) {
100                        for (j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
101                                if (less(key, h.children[j].key)) break;
102                        }
103                }
105                // internal node
106                else {
107                        for (j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
108                                if ((j+1 == h.m) || less(key, h.children[j+1].key)) {
109                                        Node u = insert(h.children[j++].next, key, value, ht-1);
110                                        if (u == null) return null;
111                                        t.key = u.children[0].key;
112                                        t.next = u;
113                                        break;
114                                }
115                        }
116                }
118                for (int i = h.m; i > j; i--) h.children[i] = h.children[i-1];
119                h.children[j] = t;
120                h.m++;
121                if (h.m < M) return null;
122                else         return split(h);
123        }
125        // split node in half
126        private Node split(Node h) {
127                Node t = new Node(M/2);
128                h.m = M/2;
129                for (int j = 0; j < M/2; j++)
130                        t.children[j] = h.children[M/2+j];
131                return t;
132        }
134        // for debugging
135        public String toString() {
136                return toString(root, HT, "") + "\n";
137        }
138        private String toString(Node h, int ht, String indent) {
139                String s = "";
140                Entry[] children = h.children;
142                if (ht == 0) {
143                        for (int j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
144                                s += indent + children[j].key + " " + children[j].value + "\n";
145                        }
146                }
147                else {
148                        for (int j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
149                                if (j > 0) s += indent + "(" + children[j].key + ")\n";
150                                s += toString(children[j].next, ht-1, indent + "     ");
151                        }
152                }
153                return s;
154        }
157        // comparison functions - make Comparable instead of K to avoid casts
158        private boolean less(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
159                return k1.compareTo(k2) < 0;
160        }
162        private boolean eq(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
163                return k1.compareTo(k2) == 0;
164        }
167        /* ***********************************************************************
168         *  test client
169         *************************************************************************/
170        public static void main(String[] args) {
171                XBTreeWithCasts<String, String> st = new XBTreeWithCasts<>();
173                //      st.put("www.cs.princeton.edu", "");
174                st.put("www.cs.princeton.edu", "");
175                st.put("www.princeton.edu",    "");
176                st.put("www.yale.edu",         "");
177                st.put("www.simpsons.com",     "");
178                st.put("www.apple.com",        "");
179                st.put("www.amazon.com",       "");
180                st.put("www.ebay.com",         "");
181                st.put("www.cnn.com",          "");
182                st.put("www.google.com",       "");
183                st.put("www.nytimes.com",      "");
184                st.put("www.microsoft.com",    "");
185                st.put("www.dell.com",         "");
186                st.put("www.slashdot.org",     "");
187                st.put("www.espn.com",         "");
188                st.put("www.weather.com",      "");
189                st.put("www.yahoo.com",        "");
192                StdOut.println("cs.princeton.edu:  " + st.get("www.cs.princeton.edu"));
193                StdOut.println("hardvardsucks.com: " + st.get("www.harvardsucks.com"));
194                StdOut.println("simpsons.com:      " + st.get("www.simpsons.com"));
195                StdOut.println("apple.com:         " + st.get("www.apple.com"));
196                StdOut.println("ebay.com:          " + st.get("www.ebay.com"));
197                StdOut.println("dell.com:          " + st.get("www.dell.com"));
198                StdOut.println();
200                StdOut.println("size:    " + st.size());
201                StdOut.println("height:  " + st.height());
202                StdOut.println(st);
203                StdOut.println();
204        }